Owner: Cleburne ISD

Cleburne ISD Lowell Smith Jr. Intermediate School Renovations

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Imperial had the privilege to lead the extensive renovation of the Lowell Smith Intermediate School, a project that successfully rejuvenated over 145,000 square feet of educational space. As the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR), we orchestrated a series of transformative upgrades that have fostered a more enriched and inclusive learning environment. These renovations encompassed a complete overhaul of the cafeteria and service lines, streamlining meal distribution and facilitating a more comfortable and efficient dining experience. Additionally, we successfully revitalized the special education and fine arts areas, creating state-of-the-art spaces that nurture diverse talents and learning styles. Significant improvements were made on the second floor, coupled with the addition of modern restrooms, adequately catering to the growing student population.

Architect: PBK Architects

Location: Cleburne, Texas