Owner: Goldthwaite Independent School District

Goldthwaite ISD High School Addition

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Imperial Construction completed this new building addition with associated parking areas and driveways to the existing Goldthwaite High School. The addition consists of a 44,358 SF stand-alone single-story building. Total work is 66,280 SF. Scope included the demolition of the majority of the academic portion of the existing Goldthwaite High School and the new construction/addition of academic and support areas as replacement and expansion of the demolished spaces. This includes new parking, ADA improvements, and other site work. Misc. scopes include off-site drainage improvements, re-roofing existing buildings to remain, and improvements to the existing Middle School gym across the street from the High School. Alternates include a locker room addition, reskinning one side of an existing building, and work at the Superintendent’s Office.

Architect:  Huckabee Inc.
Location:  Goldthwaite, TX

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